The Woman of Wind Womb Oil 200ml

(1 customer review)

I am a guardian of divine inspiration, communication & arts. My high sensibility is both my strength and my weakness. 

MENSTRUAL CARE OIL BENEFITS: Castor oil packs are a highly effective therapy used to support conditions as congestion in the reproductive and lymphatic system, liver and inflammatory issues.

FOR WOMEN EXPERICING MENSTRUAL SYMPTOMS such as:  lower back pain or spasmodic pain around the lower abdomen, with a darkened, insufficient flow or shortened cycle, prone to constipation and with emotional tendencies such as instability, anxiety and/or lack of concentration during P.M.S.

ALL ORGANIC & NATURAL ingredients: Handcrafted in a 90 days herbal soak of homegrown Artemisia (Mugwort Vulgaris) in pure organic Castor Oil & selected essential oils of Dill, Cumin seeds, Cinnamon, Fennel Seeds. 

This product is not to be used during any stage of pregnancy or if there is any suspicion of malignant cancer.


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The WOMAN OF WIND  Womb Oil  was handcrafted in a 90 days herbal soak with pure Organic Castor oil & selected essential oils.

It is formulated to balances Vata type menstrual symptoms such as lower back pain or spasmodic pain around the lower abdomen, with a darkened, insufficient flow or shortened cycle, prone to constipation and with emotional tendencies such as instability, anxiety and/or lack of concentration during P.M.S.


1 review for The Woman of Wind Womb Oil 200ml

  1. karina

    i am using this oil for my lower back pain during menstruation and i am feel so much better. is so relaxing to fall sleep with the oil on & a heat pack on my back.

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Directions for use

HOW TO APLLY (For VATA type menstrual issues): Immerse this bottle in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes. Apply a generous amount of the warm oil to the lower abdomen. Cover with a muslin cloth (or a natural biodegradable cling wrap). Apply a hot water bottle or heating pad and leave overnight.  For better results, apply the oil 3-7 nights BEFORE your period begins, addressing the symptoms proactively.

This product is not to be used during any stage of pregnancy or if there is any suspicion of malignant cancer.

What is the best oil for my menstrual flow

Discover whether vāta, pitta or kapha doshas are related to your menstrual imbalances.

The Woman of FIRE Womb oil is designed for women experiencing menstrual symptoms such as sharp pain, heavy flow, migraines, acne, sensation of heat, inflammation or swelling, with emotional tendencies such as anger or irritability. (Pitta type menstrual imbalances)

The Woman of WIND Womb oil  is designed for women experiencing menstrual symptoms such as lower back pain or spasmodic pain around the lower abdomen, with a darkened, insufficient flow or shortened cycle, prone to constipation and with emotional tendencies such as instability, anxiety and/or lack of concentration during P.M.S. (Vata type menstrual imbalances

The Woman of EARTH womb oil is designed for women experiencing menstrual symptoms such as dull discomfort, heaviness, lethargy, bloating, swelling, with a more mucoidal menstrual flow or prone to yeast infections and with emotional tendencies such as low mood or emotional eating. (kapha type menstrual imbalances)

The  application should be done during the week PRIOR your menstruation. The application during your bleeding days is not recommended.

This product is contra-indicated in any stage of pregnancy or if there is any suspicion of malignant cancer.

Book a consultation with Lilian Alkmim to learn more about your constitution and how to bring balance.

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